Monday, May 4, 2015

I've Got a Screw Loose

Not everything survived the move unskathed. I had tied a warp for a series of hand towels just before we got the wild idea to move to our new home. Then, after moving in I was busy with quilting projects so I didn't bother with dressing the loom until recently. I managed to get half way through the first towel when I realized there was something seriously wrong with the loom. Shaft 8 wasn't going up and down like it should. So I fiddled some and kept on weaving the best I could.  By the second towel I started noticing little metal parts laying on the ground behind the loom every time I removed a warp stick. Hmm…that's not supposed to happen. 

Further investigation by towel number three revealed one of the chains that attach to the lams was broken. There is no way to fix this until the all the warp was woven off the loom. I had nine yards of warp. NINE yards of fiddling to get the shed to open enough to get the shuttle to pass. So these towels are not perfect. Not by a long shot. But I managed to get them done and they served their purpose of testing different twill and crepe patterns so I could decide which would make the best baby blankets. I've decided I really like the pattern on the left of photo number two for a solid color blanket. 

Now I just need Mr. FixIt to take the loom apart and repair the chain. Hopefully while he does that we'll figure out where that loose screw goes. I feel it might be important.


Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful !!!!

Michelle said...

Wow, they all look perfect and lovely to ME! So glad you still have studio space for crafting, and energy to do so. Hugs from afar.

Cynthia Arneson said...

They all look beautiful to me. :)